Friday, September 7, 2012

The #yyjstitchers increasing momentum...

Image representing Meetup as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase
As of May 24th, 2012, the #yyjstitchers met as a group at the lovely Cabin 12.  We setup a Meetup group , notified knitters on Twitter (the reason for the #), as well as posting on Ravelry forums for Vancouver Island Fibre Lovers.

I'd like to say we are a non-denominational fibre loving group - we aren't just knitters, we have crocheters in the mix...something I have found lacking in many Stitch N Bitch groups in the area (might not be in other cities, but I find so few crocheters out to the groups).  Matter of fact, we even had 2 people drop spindling at our July meetup!

Some of the people came from Ravelry, some from Twitter, some through Meetup, and others from word of mouth...we are a community from various sources as well (again, the nondenominational theme).  We are now up to 64 Meetup members, and average 17 'stitchers' attending our monthly meetups.

We are now increasing the frequency of our meetings :)  The lovely people at Cabin12 have agreed to let us take over the world knit/crochet/spin peacefully in their lounge on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at Cabin 12.  They have been great hosts for us and we not only get to take over a comfy space with couches, chairs, coffee tables, we also are 'yarnbombing' the place ;)

Hope to see you there!

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